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Lexy & K-Paul

Alexander Gerlach lay the foundation of his future deejay career in 1997, when he moved from Dresden to Berlin. There, he started working as a DJ -Lexy- and got soon established as one precursor of the refreshingly new „Berlin-Technolectro“-sound. At the tender age of 21, he easily ranks among the scene's bigwigs and can be considered as belonging to Germany's techno elite. Kai Paul was born in Berlin and music was part of his life since then.

Full biography:
He had the priviledge of becoming acquainted with the musicians of „Element of Crime“, which was his chance to try working in a studio and developing skills and qualities as a producer. His enthusiasm concerning technics and innovations led him finally to the mixing console. Alexander Gerlach and Kai Paul were brought into contact at the end of the 90s. In 1999 they released their first single called „The greatest DJ“ as the DeeJay-Duo Lexy & K-Paul. It was important for both guys, that their collaboration would last. They are sympatico reagarding nearly any subject. That ranges from personal things like partying or simply joking around over to professional matters like their jobs and careers- Lexy and K-Paul talk the same language. Of course this perfect team play gets rewarded by lots of hits and even an ECHO in 2001. „Der Fernsehturm“, „Freak“ and „Dancing“ are only three of the best-known tracks that represent the unique spirit of those two musicians. Electronic music combined with matchless live entertainment on stage- that's the secrect of Lexy & K-Paul's success. Those two DeeJays know how to set the club on fire and how to turn a simple party into an once-in-a-lifetime-event!



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